15 Movie Stars Who Became Iconic for Playing Real-Life Characters

True, an actor portraying a real-life character is expected to appear like them. Even if they aren’t a twin of the person they play, some actors become so immersed in their roles that they begin to resemble them. Their ability to emulate the person’s voice, actions, and gestures can bring them back to life. When we add superb hair and makeup to the mix, the resemblance is frequently astounding.

1. Judi Dench as Queen Victoria in Mrs. Brown

2. James Franco as James Dean in James Dean

3. Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody

4. Cate Blanchett as Katharine Hepburn in The Aviator

5. Salma Hayek as Frida Kahlo in Frida

6. Gary Oldman as Sid Vicious in Sid and Nancy

7. Sherilyn Fenn as Elizabeth Taylor in Liz: The Elizabeth Taylor Story

8. Michael Douglas as Liberace in Behind the Candelabra

9. Olivia Colman as Queen Anne in The Favourite

10. Queen Latifah as Bessie Smith in Bessie

11. Helena Bonham Carter as Queen Elizabeth in The King’s Speech

12. Anthony Hopkins as Pablo Picasso in Surviving Picasso

13. Saoirse Ronan as Queen Mary Stuart in Mary Queen of Scots

14. Renée Zellweger as Judy Garland in Judy

15. Ingrid Bergman as Joan of Arc in the 1948 movie Joan of Arc

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35 Best (And Worst) Characters From Star Wars Movies

Star Wars characters are one of the most fiercely discussed parts of the series. There are plenty of great characters, but also a bunch of not-so-great characters. Each one of them is unique (or a bit too similar to another unique character), and we have a lot of ideas about them.

35. Hondo Ohnaka

34. Grand Admiral Thrawn

33. Stormtrooper

32. Grand Moff Tarkin

31. Plo Koon

30. Chirrut îmwe

29. Jyn Erso

28. Revan

27. Echo

26. Commander Cody

25. Admiral Ackbar

24. Fives

23. K-2SO

22. Count Dooku

21. C-3PO

20. General Grievous

19. Lando Calrissian

18. Padmé Amidala

17. Mace Windu

16. Boba Fett

15. Qui-Gon Jinn

14. Emperor Palpatine

13. Captain Rex

12. Darth Maul

11. Ahsoka Tano

10. Grogu (The Child)

9. Leia Organa

8. Chewbacca

7. R2-D2

6. Han Solo

5. Luke Skywalker

4. The Mandalorian

3. Yoda

2. Obi-Wan Kenob

1. Darth Vader

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In a stunning display of elegance and sensuality, Polish model Rose ignites the hotel room with her presence. Her striking features and bold...